The Holberg Prize

Achille Mbembe
The 2024 Holberg Prize was awarded to Cameroonian scholar Achille Mbembe for his groundbreaking work in the fields of history…
The Nils Klim Prize

Siddharth Sareen
The 2024 Nils Klim Prize was awarded to Siddharth Sareen for his research in environmental social sciences.
The Holberg School Programme

Vestby Upper Secondary School
Erika Lind-Larsen from Vestby Upper Secondary School came in first place in the Holberg School Programme with her research project…
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About the prizes
The Holberg Prize and Nils Klim Prize are awarded annually to scholars who have made outstanding contributions to research in the humanities, social sciences, law or theology. We also organize the Holberg School Programme, a research competition for students and teachers in Norwegian upper secondary schools.