Masterclass with Paul Gilroy: “Multiculture or Melancholia?”

Mural in Philadelphia. Photo: Susan Sermoneta (via Flickr CC 2.0)

Five PhD candidates from Nordic universities are invited to participate in a masterclass with the 2019 Holberg Laureate Paul Gilroy.

From a historical perspective, this class will consider the complex patterns of interaction and interdependency evident in urban centres that have accommodated postcolonial incomers and other settler populations. Against the assumptions of civilisationism and ethnic absolutism, we will explore examples that reveal the inter- and trans-cultural character of everyday life. Social and Human sciences seldom give those fluid patterns either the status or the attention that they merit. Related theoretical discussions nested around the key concept of “conviviality” will also be taken into account.  – Paul Gilroy

The Masterclass Participants

Reading list

  • Claire Risbeth and Ben Rogaly: “Sitting ouside: conviviality, self-care and the design of benches in urban public space”. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers. London: John Wiley & Sons Ltd. on behalf of Royal Geographical Society, 2017.
  • Emma Jackson: “Valuing the bowling alley: Contestations over the preservation of spaces of everyday urban multiculture in London.” The Sociological Review, Vol 67 (1), 2019: 79-94.
  • Malcolm James: “Diaspora as Ethnographic Method: Decolonial Reflections on Researching Urban Multi-culture in Outer East London.” Young, Vol 24 (1), 2016: 222-237.
  • Les Back & Shamster Sinha: “Multicultural Convivality in the Midst of Racism’s Ruins.” Journal of Intercultural Studies, Vol. 37 (5), 2016: 517-532.
  • Dennis Dworkin: “Paul Gilroy and the cultural politics of decline”. Rethinking History, Vol 13 (4), 2009: 521-539.
  • Suzanne Hall: “The Politics of Nearness”. In City, Street and Citizen: The Measure of the Ordinary. London: Routledge, 2012: 95-109.
  • Sivamohan Valluvan: “Conviviality and Multuculture: A Post-integration Sociology of Multi-ethnic Interaction.” Young, Vol 24 (3), 2016: 204-221.


Monday 3 June 2019
Auditorium A, Ulrike Pihls hus. Professor Keysers gate 1, Bergen.

Practical information

Free admittance.

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