Bergen Cathedral School

Håvard Dingen and Benjamin Aanes. Photo: Marit Hommedal / Scanpix

Håvard Dingen and Benjamin Aanes at Bergen Cathedral School won the Holberg Prize School Project in 2013.

In their project Håvard Dingen and Benjamin Aanes carried out a case study of the association between the Bergen Steamship Company and the Germans during the Second World War. After the war, the police pressed charges against the shipping company for treason against the country, but the case was anyways dismissed without a verdict. The research project concludes that the case should have been investigated more thoroughly. Their project was named “The Bergen Steamship Company during World War II”. The prize was handed over by Minister of Education Kristin Halvorsen, and Holberg Prize winner Bruno Latour. 

The Research Project


The Bergen Steamship Company during World War II

Written by:

Håvard Dingen and Benjamin Aanes


The School Programme

Tre jenter, tidligere deltakere i Holbergprisen i skolen på fagdagen. Rollup med logo i bakgrunn.

The Holberg School Programme is an annual research competition for students in Norwegian upper secondary schools i the humanities, social sciences law and theology. Each year, around 1,000 students from 20 selected schools participate in the competition.

The Holberg School Programme Jury selects three research projects that are awarded prizes of NOK 30,000, NOK 20,000 and NOK 10,000 respectively.

The finalists are announced in mid May, and the award ceremony is held during the Holberg Week in early June each year.