Watch Highlights from the Accountable Solar Energy Project, Led by Siddharth Sareen


From 2021 to 2024, Siddharth Sareen led the project Accountable Solar Energy Transitions.

On 6 June, the 2024 Nils Klim Prize will be conferred upon environmental social scientist Siddharth Sareen. Sareen is professor of energy and environment at the Department of Media and Social Sciences, University of Stavanger, Norway. He is also professor II at the Centre for Climate and Energy Transformation, University of Bergen.

In the period 2021 to 2024, the Research Council of Norway funded the Accountable Solar Energy TransitionS (ASSET) project. The project was led by Sareen.

This short film presents key highlights from the project closing workshop, which brought together over two dozen researchers from four continents to share insights from and deliberate over the governance of solar energy transitions worldwide.

It captures a range of the rich exchanges during this workshop, the work of several of the participants, and culminates in a montage that features the impressive range of scientific outputs that the ASSET project team produced, synthesised in poetic form.

More details on the ASSET project can be found here.

See also: The 2024 Holberg Week Programme.